# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # install.pl # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Author: Jean-Michel Hiver (jhiver@webarchitects.co.uk) (c) MKDoc Holdings Ltd. # Installation script for MKDoc. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # code taken from CPAN's Apache::Htpasswd 1.5 # (this package was copy-n-pasted and POD documentation was removed) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Copyright 1998..2001, Kevin Meltzer. All rights reserved. It may # be used and modified freely, but I do request that this copyright # notice remain attached to the file. You may modify this module as you # wish, but if you redistribute a modified version, please attach a note # listing the modifications you have made. package Apache::Htpasswd; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $VERSION); use strict; # Restrict unsafe variables, references, barewords use Carp; use POSIX qw ( SEEK_SET SEEK_END ); # I have amended the module so that it doesn't use locking, # which crashes ActivePerl under windows 9x # use Fcntl qw ( LOCK_EX LOCK_UN ); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(); @EXPORT_OK = qw(htpasswd htDelete fetchPass fetchInfo writeInfo htCheckPassword error Version); %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [@EXPORT_OK]); ($VERSION = substr(q$Revision: $, 10)) =~ s/\s+$//; sub Version { return $VERSION; } #-----------------------------------------------------------# # Public Methods #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub new { my ($proto, $passwdFile) = @_; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my ($self) = {}; bless ($self, $class); $self->{'PASSWD'} = $passwdFile; $self->{'ERROR'} = ""; $self->{'LOCK'} = 0; $self->{'OPEN'} = 0; return $self; } #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub error { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{'ERROR'}; } #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub htCheckPassword { my ($self) = shift; my ($Id, $pass) = @_; my ($cryptPass) = $self->fetchPass($Id); if (!$cryptPass) { return undef; } my ($fooCryptPass) = $self->CryptPasswd($pass, $cryptPass); if ($fooCryptPass eq $cryptPass) { return 1; } else { $self->{'ERROR'} = __PACKAGE__."::htCheckPassword - Passwords do not match."; carp $self->error() unless caller ne $self; return 0; } } #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub htpasswd { my ($self) = shift; my ($Id) = shift; my ($newPass) = shift; my ($oldPass) = @_ if (@_); my ($noOld)=0; if (!defined($oldPass)) { $noOld=1;} if (defined($oldPass) && $oldPass =~ /^\d$/) { if ($oldPass) { $newPass = $Id unless $newPass; my ($newEncrypted) = $self->CryptPasswd($newPass); return $self->writePassword($Id, $newEncrypted); } } # New Entry if ($noOld) { my ($passwdFile) = $self->{'PASSWD'}; # Encrypt new password string my ($passwordCrypted) = $self->CryptPasswd($newPass); $self->_open(); if ($self->fetchPass($Id)) { # User already has a password in the file. $self->{'ERROR'} = __PACKAGE__. "::htpasswd - $Id already exists in $passwdFile"; carp $self->error(); $self->_close(); return undef; } else { # If we can add the user. seek(FH, 0, SEEK_END); print FH "$Id\:$passwordCrypted\n"; $self->_close(); return 1; } $self->_close(); } else { $self->_open(); my ($exists) = $self->htCheckPassword($Id, $oldPass); if ($exists) { my ($newCrypted) = $self->CryptPasswd($newPass); return $self->writePassword($Id, $newCrypted); } else { # ERROR returned from htCheckPass $self->{'ERROR'} = __PACKAGE__."::htpasswd - Password not changed."; carp $self->error(); return undef; } $self->_close(); } } # end htpasswd #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub htDelete { my ($self, $Id) = @_; my ($passwdFile) = $self->{'PASSWD'}; my (@cache); my ($return); # Loop through the file, building a cache of exising records # which don't match the Id. $self->_open(); seek(FH, 0, SEEK_SET); while () { if (/^$Id\:/) { $return = 1; } else { push(@cache, $_); } } # Write out the @cache if needed. if ($return) { # Return to beginning of file seek(FH, 0, SEEK_SET); while (@cache) { print FH shift (@cache); } # Cut everything beyond current position truncate(FH, tell(FH)); } else { $self->{'ERROR'} = __PACKAGE__. "::htDelete - User $Id not found in $passwdFile: $!"; carp $self->error(); } $self->_close(); return $return; } #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub fetchPass { my ($self) = shift; my ($Id) = @_; my ($passwdFile) = $self->{'PASSWD'}; my $passwd = 0; $self->_open(); while () { chop; my @tmp = split(/:/,$_,3); if ( $tmp[0] eq $Id ) { $passwd = $tmp[1]; last; } } $self->_close(); return $passwd; } #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub writePassword { my ($self) = shift; my ($Id, $newPass) = @_; my ($passwdFile) = $self->{'PASSWD'}; my (@cache); my ($return); $self->_open(); seek(FH, 0, SEEK_SET); while () { my @tmp = split(/:/,$_,3); if ( $tmp[0] eq $Id ) { my $info = $tmp[2] ? $tmp[2] : ""; push (@cache, "$Id\:$newPass\:$info"); $return = 1; } else { push (@cache, $_); } } # Write out the @cache, if needed. if ($return) { # Return to beginning of file seek(FH, 0, SEEK_SET); while (@cache) { print FH shift (@cache); } # Cut everything beyond current position truncate(FH, tell(FH)); } else { $self->{'ERROR'} = __PACKAGE__. "::writePassword - User $Id not found in $passwdFile: $!"; carp $self->error() . "\n"; } $self->_close(); return $return; } #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub fetchInfo { my ($self) = shift; my ($Id) = @_; my ($passwdFile) = $self->{'PASSWD'}; my $info = 0; $self->_open(); while () { chop; my @tmp = split(/:/,$_,3); if ( $tmp[0] eq $Id ) { $info = $tmp[2]; last; } } $self->_close(); return $info; } #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub writeInfo { my ($self) = shift; my ($Id, $newInfo) = @_; my ($passwdFile) = $self->{'PASSWD'}; my (@cache); my ($return); $self->_open(); seek(FH, 0, SEEK_SET); while () { my @tmp = split(/:/,$_,3); if ( $tmp[0] eq $Id ) { chomp $tmp[1] if (@tmp == 2); # Cut out EOL if there was no info push (@cache, "$Id\:$tmp[1]\:$newInfo\n"); $return = 1; } else { push (@cache, $_); } } # Write out the @cache, if needed. if ($return) { # Return to beginning of file seek(FH, 0, SEEK_SET); while (@cache) { print FH shift (@cache); } # Cut everything beyond current position truncate(FH, tell(FH)); } else { $self->{'ERROR'} = __PACKAGE__. "::writeInfo - User $Id not found in $passwdFile: $!"; carp $self->error() . "\n"; } $self->_close(); return $return; } #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub CryptPasswd { my ($self) = shift; my ($passwd, $salt) = @_; if ($salt) { # Make sure only use 2 chars $salt = substr ($salt, 0, 2); } else { $salt = substr ($0, 0, 2); } return crypt ($passwd, $salt); } #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub DESTROY { close(FH); }; #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub _lock { my ($self) = shift; # Lock if we don't have the lock # we don't need to lock stuff, this is just for an # install script and it doesn't work under win 9x # series # Jean-Michel Hiver, 21.10.2001 # flock(FH, LOCK_EX) if($self->{'LOCK'} == 0); # We have the lock $self->{'LOCK'} = 1; # Seek to head seek(FH, 0, SEEK_SET); } #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub _unlock { my ($self) = shift; # we don't need to lock stuff, this is just for an # install script and it doesn't work under win 9x # series # Jean-Michel Hiver, 21.10.2001 # flock(FH, LOCK_UN); $self->{'LOCK'} = 0; } #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub _open { my ($self) = shift; if($self->{'OPEN'} > 0) { $self->{'OPEN'}++; $self->_lock(); return; } my $passwdFile = $self->{'PASSWD'}; if (!open(FH,"+<$passwdFile")) { $self->{'ERROR'} = __PACKAGE__. "::fetchPass - Cannot open $passwdFile: $!"; croak $self->error(); } $self->{'OPEN'}++; $self->_lock(); } #-----------------------------------------------------------# sub _close { my ($self) = shift; $self->_unlock(); $self->{'OPEN'}--; if($self->{'OPEN'} > 0) { return; } if (!close(FH)) { my $passwdFile = $self->{'PASSWD'}; $self->{'ERROR'} = __PACKAGE__. "::htDelete - Cannot close $passwdFile: $!"; carp $self->error(); return undef; } } #-----------------------------------------------------------# 1; package main; use Cwd; use strict; use vars qw /$CONFIG $OS/; BEGIN { $CONFIG = {}; open FP, ") { chomp ($string); # if the line starts with a comment, then it's all a comment next if ($string =~ /^\#.*/); # has this line got comments? if ($string =~ /(?{$key} = $val; } else { if ($string =~ /\S+(\s+)\S+/) { my ($key, $val) = $string =~ /(.*?)\s+(.*)/; $val =~ s/\s+$//; $CONFIG->{$key} = $val; } else { my $key = $string; my $val = 1; $CONFIG->{$key} = $val; } } } close FP; # unshift @INC to add MKDoc install dir unshift @INC, $CONFIG->{MKDOC_DIR}; } eval { use lib::Config; use lib::Template; use lib::Exception; use flo::Category; use lib::Config; use lib::sql::type::ALL; use Data::Dumper; }; die $@ if (defined $@ and $@); main(); ## # main(); # ------- # Performs the installation ## sub main { # MKDoc install script beautiful ASCII headers print_hello(); # check basic requirements check_perl(); check_dbi(); check_dbd_mysql(); check_database_connect(); # check for tidy $CONFIG->{TIDY_PATH} = check_tidy ($CONFIG->{TIDY_PATH}); # check for HTML2TEXT dependencies check_html2text() if (defined $CONFIG->{H2TXT} and $CONFIG->{H2TXT}); # check for RSS 090 Headlines dependencies check_r090hd() if (defined $CONFIG->{R090HD} and $CONFIG->{R090HD}); # check for RSS 091 Headlines dependencies check_r091hd() if (defined $CONFIG->{R091HD} and $CONFIG->{R091HD}); # check for RSS 100 Headlines dependencies check_r100hd() if (defined $CONFIG->{R100HD} and $CONFIG->{R100HD}); # check for RSS 100 Sitemap dependencies check_r100sm() if (defined $CONFIG->{R100SM} and $CONFIG->{R100SM}); # create needed directories and permissions setup_mkdoc_directories(); # now we will write the configuration files from the configuration # templates, let's add a few extra keys to the $CONFIG hash my $site_dir = getcwd; chomp ($site_dir); $CONFIG->{SITE_DIR} = $site_dir; write_config_files ($CONFIG); # check that the database connection works setup_database ($CONFIG); # now, we need to write the apache config file write_apache_config_file ('conf/httpd.conf.tmpl', $site_dir . '/httpd.conf'); # let us write the .htpasswd file my $passwd = write_apache_htpasswd_file ($site_dir); # finally, add this new site in the $mkdoc_dir/conf config files dir add_site_to_mkdoc(); # tell the user what the password is for the admin interface and says bye-bye print_bye_bye ($passwd); } ## # print_bye_bye ($password); # -------------------------- # If we arrived at that stage, then the install script is nearly # done. Print a goodbye message with the password. ## sub print_bye_bye { my $passwd = shift; print "\n"; print "===============================================================\n"; print " The installation is now finished. You should make sure that \n"; print " the following domain names are correctly set in your DNS: \n"; print " + " . $CONFIG->{PUBLIC_DOMAIN} . "\n"; print " + " . $CONFIG->{ADMIN_DOMAIN} . "\n"; print " + " . $CONFIG->{SU_DOMAIN} . "\n"; print "\n"; print " Super user interface details:\n"; print " + Login : admin\n"; print " + Password : $passwd (no digits)\n"; print "\n"; print " You have to restart apache for the changes to take effect.\n\n"; print "===============================================================\n"; } ## # setup_database; # --------------- # Creates def files and database tables ## sub setup_database() { my $site_dir = $CONFIG->{SITE_DIR}; print "Setting up MKDoc database driver... "; open FP, ">$site_dir/su/driver.pl" or die "$site_dir/su/driver.pl"; print FP "use flo::Category;\n"; print FP "use lib::sql::Table;\n"; print FP "use lib::sql::type::Char;\n"; print FP "use lib::sql::type::DateTime;\n"; print FP "use lib::sql::type::Int;\n"; print FP "use lib::sql::type::Text;\n"; print FP "use lib::sql::DBH;\n"; print FP "lib::sql::DBH->spawn (" . "\n"; print FP " database => '$CONFIG->{DATABASE}'," . "\n" if ($CONFIG->{DATABASE}); print FP " host => '$CONFIG->{HOST}'," . "\n" if ($CONFIG->{HOST}); print FP " port => '$CONFIG->{PORT}'," . "\n" if ($CONFIG->{PORT}); print FP " user => '$CONFIG->{USER}'," . "\n" if ($CONFIG->{USER}); print FP " password => '$CONFIG->{PASSWORD}'," . "\n" if ($CONFIG->{PASSWORD}); print FP ");\n"; print FP "lib::sql::Table->driver ('MySQL');" . "\n"; print FP "1;" . "\n"; print "OK\n"; # try to eval the driver.pl to initialize the database print "Initializing database... "; open FP, "; close FP; eval $data; die $@ if ($@); new lib::sql::Table ( name => "Editor", cols => [ { name => "ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Login", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( size => 15, not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Password", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( size => 15, not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Email", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( size => 255, not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "First_Name", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( size => 50 ) }, { name => "Family_Name", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( size => 50 ) }, { name => "Disabled", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) } ], pk => [ "ID" ], ai => "ID", unique => { login_uk => ["Login"] }, ai => "ID", bless_into => "flo::Record::Editor" ); new flo::Category ( name => "Document", cols => [ { name => "ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Parent_ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Int() }, { name => "Cache_Control", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Template", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( size => 255, not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Description", type => new lib::sql::type::Text() }, { name => "Keywords", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( size => 255, not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Date_Created", type => new lib::sql::type::DateTime ( not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Date_Last_Modified", type => new lib::sql::type::DateTime ( not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Editor_Created_ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Editor_Last_Modified_ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Name", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( not_null => 1, size => 50 ) }, { name => "Full_Path", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( not_null => 1, size => 255 ) }, { name => "Title", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( size => 255 ) }, { name => "Lang", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( not_null => 1, size => 8 ) }, { name => "Rights", type => new lib::sql::type::Text() }, { name => "Publisher", type => new lib::sql::type::Text() }, { name => "Source", type => new lib::sql::type::Text() }, { name => "Relation", type => new lib::sql::type::Text() }, { name => "Coverage", type => new lib::sql::type::Text() }, { name => "Body", type => new lib::sql::type::Text() }, { name => "Sibling_Position", type => new lib::sql::type::Int() }, { name => "Sort_By", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( size => 50 ) }, { name => "Order_By", type => new lib::sql::type::Int() }, ], unique => { Full_Path_UK => [ qw /Full_Path/ ] }, index => { Parent_ID_IDX => [ qw /Parent_ID/ ] }, selectbox => { Parent_ID => [ qw /Document ID Full_Path/ ] }, category_id => "ID", category_parent => "Parent_ID", category_name => "Name", category_path => "Full_Path", category_position => "Sibling_Position", pk => [ "ID" ], ai => [ "ID" ], fk => { Editor => { Editor_Created_ID => 'ID', Editor_Last_Modified_ID => 'ID', }, }, weight => { Keywords => 10, Description => 8, Title => 10, Name => 10, Full_Path => 5, Lang => 3, Rights => 3, Publisher => 3, Relation => 3, Coverage => 3, Body => 1, }, bless_into => 'flo::Record::Document' ); new lib::sql::Table ( name => "Redirect", cols => [ { name => "ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Old_Path", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( size => 255, not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "New_Path", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( size => 255, not_null => 1 ) } ], pk => [ "ID" ], unique => { Old_New_Uk => [ qw /Old_Path/ ] }, ai => "ID", bless_into => 'flo::Record::Redirect' ); new lib::sql::Table ( name => "Base_Document", cols => [ { name => "ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Editor_ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Document_ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) } ], pk => [ "ID" ], ai => "ID", unique => { Editor_Document_Owner_uk => [ qw/Editor_ID Document_ID/ ] }, selectbox => { Editor_ID => [ qw /Editor ID Login/ ], Document_ID => [ qw /Document ID Full_Path/ ] }, fk => { Editor => { Editor_ID => 'ID' }, Document => { Document_ID => 'ID' }, } ); new lib::sql::Table ( name => "Contributor", cols => [ { name => "ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Editor_ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Document_ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) } ], pk => [ "ID" ], ai => "ID", unique => { Editor_Document_Contributor_uk => [ qw /Editor_ID Document_ID/ ] }, selectbox => { Editor_ID => [ qw /Editor ID Login/ ], Document_ID => [ qw /Document ID Full_Path/ ], }, fk => { Editor => { Editor_ID => 'ID' }, Document => { Document_ID => 'ID' }, }, bless_into => 'flo::Record::Contributor' ); new lib::sql::Table ( name => "Session", cols => [ { name => "ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( size => 50, not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "Last_Time", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) }, { name => "IP", type => new lib::sql::type::Char ( size => 20 ) }, { name => "Editor_ID", type => new lib::sql::type::Int ( not_null => 1 ) }, ], pk => [ "ID" ], fk => { Editor => { Editor_ID => "ID" } }, selectbox => { Editor_ID => [ qw /Editor ID Login/ ] } ); lib::sql::Table->save_state ('su'); # tries to silently drop everything try { lib::sql::Table->drop_all } catch {}; # tries to create all the tables lib::sql::Table->create_all; # initialize database my $editor = lib::sql::Table->table ('Editor'); my $document = lib::sql::Table->table ('Document'); my $base_document = lib::sql::Table->table ('Base_Document'); $editor->insert ( Login => 'admin', Password => 'admin', Email => $CONFIG->{ORGANIZATION_EMAIL}, First_Name => '', Family_Name => $CONFIG->{ORGANIZATION_NAME}, Disabled => 1 ); $editor->insert ( Login => $CONFIG->{USER_LOGIN}, Password => $CONFIG->{USER_PASSWORD}, Email => $CONFIG->{USER_EMAIL}, First_Name => $CONFIG->{USER_FIRST_NAME}, Family_Name => $CONFIG->{USER_LAST_NAME}, Disabled => 0 ); $base_document->insert ( Editor_ID => 2, Document_ID => 1 ); $document->insert ( Template => 'default', Cache_Control => 10, Description => 'enter a description here', Keywords => 'enter keywords here', Date_Created => current_date(), Date_Last_Modified => current_date(), Editor_Created_ID => 2, Editor_Last_Modified_ID => 2, Name => '', Title => 'Root document', Lang => 'en', Sort_By => 'Title', Order_By => 0 ); print "OK\n"; } ## # current_date; # ------------- # Returns the current date in MySQL format ## sub current_date { # Prefill date fields with current date my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime (time); $mon++; $year += 1900; if (length ($mon) == 1) { $mon = "0" . $mon } if (length ($mday) == 1) { $mday = "0" . $mday } return "$year-$mon-$mday $hour:$min:$sec"; } ## # write_apache_htpasswd_file ($site_dir); # --------------------------------------- # Writes a .htpasswd file with user name 'admin' # and returns the auto-generated password ## sub write_apache_htpasswd_file($) { my $site_dir = shift; my $admin = 'admin'; my @chars = ('a'..'z', 'A'..'Z'); my $pwd = join '', map { $chars[int (rand ($#chars + 1))] } 1..8; print "Writing .htpasswd file... "; unlink "$site_dir/.htpasswd" if (-e "$site_dir/.htpasswd"); open FP, ">$site_dir/.htpasswd"; close FP; my $htpwd = new Apache::Htpasswd ("$site_dir/.htpasswd"); $htpwd->htpasswd ("admin", $pwd); print "OK\n"; return $pwd; } ## # add_site_to_mkdoc; # ------------------ # Adds this website to the MKDoc sites config files and # amends conf/httpd.conf as well ## sub add_site_to_mkdoc() { my $mkdoc_dir = $CONFIG->{MKDOC_DIR}; print "Re-building $mkdoc_dir/conf/sites.conf... "; # read conf/sites.conf data open FP, "<$mkdoc_dir/conf/sites.conf" or die "Cannot read-open $mkdoc_dir/conf/sites.conf"; my $data = join '', ; close FP; # instanciates the $VAR1 hashref my $VAR1 = undef; eval "$data"; die $@ if (defined $@ and $@); # add the new site to the $VAR1 hashref $VAR1->{$CONFIG->{PUBLIC_DOMAIN}} = $CONFIG->{SITE_DIR}; $VAR1->{$CONFIG->{ADMIN_DOMAIN}} = $CONFIG->{SITE_DIR}; $VAR1->{$CONFIG->{SU_DOMAIN}} = $CONFIG->{SITE_DIR}; # saves the $VAR1 hashref open FP, ">$mkdoc_dir/conf/sites.conf" or die "Cannot write-open $mkdoc_dir/conf/sites.conf"; print FP Dumper ($VAR1); close FP; print "OK\n"; # rewrites the conf/httpd.conf file print "Re-writing $mkdoc_dir/conf/httpd.conf... "; my $includes = { map { 'Include ' . $_ . '/httpd.conf' => 1 } values %{$VAR1} }; open FP, ">$mkdoc_dir/conf/httpd.conf" or die "Cannot write-open $mkdoc_dir/conf/httpd.conf"; for (keys %{$includes}) { print FP $_ . "\n" } close FP; print "OK\n"; } ## # write_config_files; # ------------------- # Writes all the MKDoc config files for that site from what's # in $CONFIG ## sub write_config_files() { print "Writing config files...\n"; die $@ if (defined $@ and $@); write_config_file ('cgi.mkdoc'); write_config_file ('cgi.admin'); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.Cache') if (defined $CONFIG->{CACHE} and $CONFIG->{CACHE}); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.Cache.Reader') if (defined $CONFIG->{CACHE} and $CONFIG->{CACHE}); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.Cache.Writer') if (defined $CONFIG->{CACHE} and $CONFIG->{CACHE}); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.Convert.TXT') if (defined $CONFIG->{H2TXT} and $CONFIG->{H2TXT}); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.Error'); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.explorer.Admin'); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.explorer.Admin_LANG'); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.explorer.Print'); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.explorer.Public'); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.JavaScript.Headline'); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.Search'); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.Sitemap'); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.Static'); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.XML.IMS'); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.XML.RDF.DC'); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.XML.RDF.RSS.090.Headline') if (defined $CONFIG->{R090HD} and $CONFIG->{R090HD}); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.XML.RSS.091.Headline') if (defined $CONFIG->{R091HD} and $CONFIG->{R091HD}); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.XML.RDF.RSS.100.Headline') if (defined $CONFIG->{R100HD} and $CONFIG->{R100HD}); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.XML.RDF.RSS.100.Sitemap') if (defined $CONFIG->{R100SM} and $CONFIG->{R100SM}); write_config_file ('flo.plugin.Robots'); write_config_file ('flo.XHTMLFilter'); write_config_file ('mime.types'); write_config_file ('GLOBAL'); # this file can't be parsed by the template engine indeed write_template_config_file(); print "OK\n"; } ## # write_template_config_file; # --------------------------- # The template config file cannot be written from a template config # because it defines the tags that the template engine uses itself, # therefore we have to hard code the content of this config file into # the install script ## sub write_template_config_file() { my $file = 'flo.Template'; my $template_dir = $CONFIG->{SITE_DIR} . '/templates'; my $data = <<'EOF'; LEFT_TOKEN <% RIGHT_TOKEN %> BASE_DIR $template_dir/templates # do not change these tags sibling flo::Template::Sibling path flo::Template::Path include flo::Template::Include var lib::Template::Var if lib::Template::If perl lib::Template::Perl loop flo::Template::Loop document_list flo::Template::DocumentList browser_detect flo::Template::BrowserDetect uri_encode flo::Template::URIEncode a flo::Template::Anchor http flo::Template::HTTP http_date flo::Template::HTTPDate iso_date flo::Template::ISODate comment flo::Template::Comment link flo::Template::Link component flo::Template::Component to_html flo::Template::Text2Html EOF print "Writing $file... "; open FP, ">config/$file" or die "Cannot write-open config/$file"; print FP qq |LEFT_TOKEN <%|, "\n"; print FP qq |RIGHT_TOKEN %>|, "\n"; print FP qq |BASE_DIR $template_dir|, "\n"; print FP qq |sibling flo::Template::Sibling|, "\n"; print FP qq |path flo::Template::Path|, "\n"; print FP qq |include flo::Template::Include|, "\n"; print FP qq |var lib::Template::Var|, "\n"; print FP qq |if lib::Template::If|, "\n"; print FP qq |perl lib::Template::Perl|, "\n"; print FP qq |loop flo::Template::Loop|, "\n"; print FP qq |document_list flo::Template::DocumentList|, "\n"; print FP qq |browser_detect flo::Template::BrowserDetect|, "\n"; print FP qq |uri_encode flo::Template::URIEncode|, "\n"; print FP qq |a flo::Template::Anchor|, "\n"; print FP qq |http flo::Template::HTTP|, "\n"; print FP qq |http_date flo::Template::HTTPDate|, "\n"; print FP qq |iso_date flo::Template::ISODate|, "\n"; print FP qq |comment flo::Template::Comment|, "\n"; print FP qq |link flo::Template::Link|, "\n"; print FP qq |component flo::Template::Component|, "\n"; print FP qq |to_html flo::Template::Text2Html|, "\n"; print FP qq |headlines flo::Template::Headlines|, "\n"; close FP; print "OK\n"; } ## # write_config_file ($file); # -------------------------- # Writes the $CONFIG file using variables set in $CONFIG ## sub write_config_file { my $file = shift; # initialize template module $lib::Template::CONFIG = new lib::Config; $lib::Template::CONFIG->set (qw /LEFT_TOKEN <%/); $lib::Template::CONFIG->set (qw /RIGHT_TOKEN %>/); $lib::Template::CONFIG->set ('BASE_DIR', $CONFIG->{SITE_DIR}); $lib::Template::CONFIG->set ('var', 'lib::Template::Var'); $lib::Template::CONFIG->set ('if', 'lib::Template::If'); $lib::Template::RIGHT_TOKEN = quotemeta ('%>'); $lib::Template::LEFT_TOKEN = quotemeta ('<%'); $lib::Template::BASE_DIR = $CONFIG->{SITE_DIR}; $lib::Template::TOKEN_REGEX = $lib::Template::LEFT_TOKEN . '.*?' . $lib::Template::RIGHT_TOKEN; $lib::Template::STASH = {}; my $tmpl = new lib::Template ( file => 'config_templates/' . $file, hash => $CONFIG ); open FP, ">config/$file" or die "Cannot write-open config/$file"; print FP $tmpl->parse; close FP; print " + $file\n"; } ## # write_apache_config_file ($template, $file); # -------------------------------------------- # Writes the apache config file for that website ## sub write_apache_config_file { my $template = shift; my $file = shift; print "Writing $file... "; # initialize template module eval "use lib::Template"; $lib::Template::CONFIG = new lib::Config; $lib::Template::CONFIG->set (qw /LEFT_TOKEN <%/); $lib::Template::CONFIG->set ('BASE_DIR', $CONFIG->{MKDOC_DIR}); $lib::Template::CONFIG->set (qw /RIGHT_TOKEN %>/); $lib::Template::CONFIG->set ('var', 'lib::Template::Var'); $lib::Template::CONFIG->set ('if', 'lib::Template::If'); $lib::Template::RIGHT_TOKEN = quotemeta ('%>'); $lib::Template::LEFT_TOKEN = quotemeta ('<%'); $lib::Template::BASE_DIR = $CONFIG->{MKDOC_DIR}; $lib::Template::TOKEN_REGEX = $lib::Template::LEFT_TOKEN . '.*?' . $lib::Template::RIGHT_TOKEN; $lib::Template::STASH = {}; my $tmpl = new lib::Template ( file => $template, hash => $CONFIG ); open FP, ">$file" or die "Cannot write-open $file"; print FP $tmpl->parse; close FP; print "OK\n"; } ## # setup_mkdoc_directories(); # -------------------------- # This function is in charge of creating directories # which will be needed for this site and to give them # the right permissions ## sub setup_mkdoc_directories() { print "Setting up MKDoc directories... "; # if the cache dir is not there, let's create it # then let's change the permission unless (-e 'cache') { mkdir 'cache', 0777; } chmod 0777, 'cache'; # if the tmp dir is not there, let's create it # then let's change the permission unless (-e 'tmp') { mkdir 'tmp', 0777; } chmod 0777, 'tmp'; # if the static dir is not here let's create it unless (-e 'static') { mkdir 'static', 0777; } # if the config dir is not here let's create it unless (-e 'config') { mkdir 'config', 0777; } # if the static/images dir is not here let's create it # then let's change the permission unless (-e 'static/images') { mkdir 'static/images', 0777; } chmod 0777, 'static/images'; # if the static/images dir is not here let's create it # then let's change the permission unless (-e 'static/files') { mkdir 'static/files', 0777; } chmod 0777, 'static/files'; # create the apache log directory unless (-e 'log') { mkdir 'log', 0777; } chmod 0777, 'log'; # create the su directory unless (-e 'su') { mkdir 'su', 0777; } chmod 0700, 'install.conf'; print "OK\n"; } ## # check_database_connect; # ----------------------- # Attempts to connect to the MySQL database ## sub check_database_connect() { my $mysql_host = $CONFIG->{HOST}; my $mysql_database = $CONFIG->{DATABASE}; my $mysql_port = $CONFIG->{PORT}; my $mysql_user = $CONFIG->{USER}; my $mysql_password = $CONFIG->{PASSWORD}; print "Trying to connect to MySQL... "; eval { my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$mysql_database"; $dsn .= ":host=$mysql_host" if (defined $mysql_host and $mysql_host); $dsn .= ":port=$mysql_port" if (defined $mysql_port and $mysql_port); my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $mysql_user, $mysql_password, {'RaiseError' => 1}); }; if ($@) { print "FAILED\n\n"; print "$@"; exit; } print "OK\n"; } ## # check_r090hd(); # --------------- # Checks for RSS 090 Headlines plugin dependencies # + XML::RSS ## sub check_r090hd { print "Checking for RSS 090 Headlines plugin dependencies... "; eval "use XML::RSS"; if ($@) { print "FAILED\n\n"; print "You need XML::RSS to use the RSS 090 Headlines plugin.\n"; print "Check ftp:://ftp.cpan.org to download a recent version of XML::RSS.\n"; print "Installation aborted.\n"; exit; } print "OK\n"; } ## # check_r091hd(); # --------------- # Checks for RSS 091 Headlines plugin dependencies # + XML::RSS ## sub check_r091hd { print "Checking for RSS 091 Headlines plugin dependencies... "; eval "use XML::RSS"; if ($@) { print "FAILED\n\n"; print "You need XML::RSS to use the RSS 091 Headlines plugin.\n"; print "Check ftp:://ftp.cpan.org to download a recent version of XML::RSS.\n"; print "Installation aborted.\n"; exit; } print "OK\n"; } ## # check_r100hd(); # --------------- # Checks for RSS 100 Headlines plugin dependencies # + XML::RSS ## sub check_r100hd { print "Checking for RSS 100 Headlines plugin dependencies... "; eval "use XML::RSS"; if ($@) { print "FAILED\n\n"; print "You need XML::RSS to use the RSS 100 Headlines plugin.\n"; print "Check ftp:://ftp.cpan.org to download a recent version of XML::RSS.\n"; print "Installation aborted.\n"; exit; } print "OK\n"; } ## # check_r100sm(); # --------------- # Checks for RSS 100 Headlines plugin dependencies # + XML::RSS ## sub check_r100sm { print "Checking for RSS 100 Sitemap plugin dependencies... "; eval "use XML::RSS"; if ($@) { print "FAILED\n\n"; print "You need XML::RSS to use the RSS 100 Sitemap plugin.\n"; print "Check ftp:://ftp.cpan.org to download a recent version of XML::RSS.\n"; print "Installation aborted.\n"; exit; } print "OK\n"; } ## # check_html2text(); # ------------------ # Checks for HTML to TEXT plugin dependencies # + HTML::TreeBuilder # + HTML::FormatText ## sub check_html2text { print "Checking for HTML to TEXT plugin dependencies... "; eval "use HTML::TreeBuilder"; if ($@) { print "FAILED\n\n"; print "You need HTML::FormatText to use the HTML 2 TEXT plugin.\n"; print "Check ftp:://ftp.cpan.org to download a recent version of HTML::TreeBuilder.\n"; print "Installation aborted.\n"; exit; } eval "use HTML::FormatText"; if ($@) { print "FAILED\n\n"; print "You need HTML::FormatText to use the HTML 2 TEXT plugin.\n"; print "Check ftp:://ftp.cpan.org to download a recent version of HTML::FormatText.\n"; print "Installation aborted.\n"; exit; } print "OK\n"; } ## # prompt_mkdoc_dir(); # ------------------- # Prompts for the installation dir of MKDoc and returns it ## sub prompt_mkdoc_dir() { print "\n"; print "Enter MKDoc 1.1 installation directory. [/opt/mkdoc]: "; my $mkdoc_dir = ; chomp ($mkdoc_dir); $mkdoc_dir =~ s/\/$//; $mkdoc_dir ||= '/opt/mkdoc'; unless (-e $mkdoc_dir and -d $mkdoc_dir) { print "\n"; print "$mkdoc_dir does not exist or is not a valid directory!\n"; print "Installation aborted.\n"; exit; } return $mkdoc_dir; } ## # print_hello(); # -------------- # Print a welcome / warning message and asks wether to continue # or not ## sub print_hello() { print "===============================================================\n"; print " MKDoc 1.1 website install script \n"; print "===============================================================\n\n"; print " This installation script will attempt to setup a new MKDoc \n"; print " website using the information provided in the install.conf \n"; print " file. \n\n"; print " Please make sure that install.conf parameters are correct \n"; print " before you continue. \n\n"; print " ATTENTION! If the website which is set in install.conf does \n"; print " exist, all its data will be removed. \n"; print "===============================================================\n\n"; print "Are you sure you want to continue [y|N] ?"; my $in = ; chomp ($in); unless ($in eq 'y' or $in eq 'Y') { print "Good bye!\n\n"; exit; } print "\n"; } ## # check_perl(); # ------------- # Checks that we are using a version of Perl which is recent enough ## sub check_perl() { print "Checking for Perl 5.005_03... "; eval "use 5.005_03"; if ($@) { print "FAILED\n\n"; print "You need at least Perl 5.005_03 to use this software.\n"; print "Check http://www.perl.com to download a recent version of Perl.\n"; print "Installation aborted.\n"; exit; } else { print "OK\n"; } } ## # check_dbi; # ---------- # Checks that the DBI module are installed # so that we can access the MySQL database ## sub check_dbi() { print "Checking for DBI... "; eval "use DBI"; if ($@) { print "FAILED\n\n"; print "You need CPAN's DBI module to use this software.\n"; print "Check ftp://ftp.cpan.org to download the latest version of this module.\n"; print "Installation aborted.\n"; exit; } else { print "OK\n"; } } ## # check_dbd_mysql(); # ------------------ # Checks that the Msql-Mysql DBD modules are installed # so that we can access the MySQL database ## sub check_dbd_mysql() { print "Checking for DBD::mysql... "; eval "use DBD::mysql"; if ($@) { print "FAILED\n\n"; print "You need CPAN's DBD msql-mysql modules to use this software.\n"; print "Check ftp://ftp.cpan.org to download the latest version of this module.\n"; print "Installation aborted.\n"; exit; } else { print "OK\n"; } } ## # check_tidy ($tidy_path); # ------------------------ # Checks that tidy is installed ## sub check_tidy($) { print "\n"; print "Checking for HTML Tidy... "; my $tidy = shift; unless (defined $tidy or $tidy or -e $tidy) { print "FAILED\n\n"; print "You need Raggett's HTML Tidy program to use this software.\n"; print "Check http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett/tidy to download the latest version of this program.\n"; print "Installation aborted.\n"; } print "OK\n"; return $tidy; } 1;