<% if name="Admin_Mode" %>
<% if name="Session" %> <% if name="Session:Can_Admin" %> <% if name="Document:Admin_URI_MetaData_Modify" %> " title="Modify the Title, Description, and other Properties of "<% var name="Document:Title" %>".">Properties <% else %> Properties <% end-if %> | <% if name="Document:Admin_URI_Contents_Modify" %> " title="Modify the Content of "<% var name="Document:Title" %>".">Content <% else %> Content <% end-if %> | <% if name="Document:Admin_URI_Reorder_Modify" %> " title="Modify the Sort order of the child documents of "<% var name="Document:Title" %>".">Sort <% else %> " as it has no more than one child.">Sort <% end-if %> | <% if name="Document:Admin_URI_Location_Modify" %> <% if name="Document:Name" %> " title="Move "<% var name="Document:Title" %>"">Move <% else %> " as it is the root document.">Move <% end-if %> <% else %> Move <% end-if %> | <% if name="Document:Admin_URI_Document_Add" %> " title="Create a New document as a child of "<% var name="Document:Title" %>".">New <% else %> New <% end-if %> | <% if name="Document:Name" %> <% if name="Document:Admin_URI_Document_Delete" %> " title="Delete "<% var name="Document:Title" %>".">Delete <% else %> " as it has child documents.">Delete <% end-if %> <% else %> " as it is the root document.">Delete <% end-if %> | <% else %> ".">Properties | ".">Content | ".">Sort | <% if name="Document:Name" %> ".">Move <% else %> " as it is the root document.">Move <% end-if %> | ".">New | ".">Delete | <% end-if %> " title="Change you details, name, email address etc...">Account | " title="Logout of the editor interface." onclick="return ConfirmLogout()">Logout <% else %>
" method="post"> <% if name="Exception" %> <% if name="Exception:Code" eq="SESSION_EXPIRED" %>Your session expired.<% end-if %> <% if name="Exception:Code" eq="PASSWORD_IS_UNDEF" %>You must supply a Password to login.<% end-if %> <% if name="Exception:Code" eq="LOGIN_IS_UNDEF" %>You must supply a Username to login.<% end-if %> <% if name="Exception:Code" eq="CANNOT_FIND_USER" %>Sorry the information provided is incorrect.<% end-if %> <% if name="Exception:Code" eq="INCORRECT_PASSWORD" %>Sorry the information provided is incorrect.<% end-if %> <% if name="Exception:Code" eq="EDITOR_DISABLED" %>Sorry this editor cannot login.<% end-if %> <% comment %>
<%var name="Exception:Code" encode_html="1" %>
<%var name="Exception:Info" encode_html="1" %>
<% end-comment %> <% comment %>
<%var name="Exception:SQL" encode_html="1" %>
<% end-comment %> <% end-if %> <% comment %> To enable a Javascript-help-routine that displays "Username" in the "Username"-Field add this code to the input-tag: onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='Username';" onfocus="if(this.value=='Username')this.value='';" value="Username" <% end-comment %> Username: Password:
<% end-if %>
<% end-if %>