" /> " content="<% var name="Document:Title" encode_html="1" %>" /> <% if name="Document:Keywords_Split" %> <% loop name="Document:Keywords_Split" %> " content="<% var name="Keyword" encode_html="1" %>" /> <% end-loop %> <% end-if %> " content="<% var name="Document:Description" encode_html="1" %>" /> , <% var name="Document:Editor_Created:First_Name" encode_html="1" %>" /> " /> " /> " /> <% if name="Document:Contributors" %> <% loop name="Document:Contributors" %> , <% var name="First_Name" encode_html="1" %>" /> <% end-loop %> <% end-if %> <% if name="Document:Publisher" %> " content="<% var name="Document:Publisher" encode_html="1" %>" /> <% end-if %> <% if name="Document:Rights" %> " content="<% var name="Document:Rights" encode_html="1" %>" /> <% end-if %> <% comment %> The source field needs some more thought. <% if name="Document:Source" %> " /> <% end-if %> <% end-comment %> <% comment %> The relation field needs some more thought. See: http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmes-qualifiers/#relation We should generate a list of attachments when we set up document attachments. <% end-comment %> <% if name="Link_Loop" %> <% loop name="Link_Loop" %> <% if name="url" %> " /> <% end-if %> <% end-loop %> <% end-if %> <% if name="Document:Previous_Locations" %> <% loop name="Document:Previous_Locations" %> <% if name="Old_URI" %> " /> <% end-if %> <% end-loop %> <% end-if %> <% comment %> The coverage field needs some more thought. See: http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmes-qualifiers/#coverage I think we need to use either or both these Encoding Schemes: Name: TGN Label: TGN Definition: The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names See also: http://shiva.pub.getty.edu/tgn_browser/ Name: ISO3166 Label: ISO 3166 Definition: ISO 3166 Codes for the representation of names of countries See also: http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/codlstp1/index.html <% if name="Document:Coverage" %> " /> <% end-if %> <% end-comment %>