<% include file="explorer/http_headers.html" %> Create Document <% include file="explorer/admin_css.html" %>
" >
<% if name="Exception" %> <% if name="Exception:Null_Title" %>Your document needs to have a title. Please fill in the 'Title' field<% end-if %> <% if name="Exception:Null_Description" %>Please enter a description for this new document<% end-if %> <% if name="Exception:Null_Keywords" %>You have to provide one or more keywords<% end-if %> <% if name="Exception:Null_Language" %>Software Error Couldn't find language for this document<% end-if %> <% if name="Exception:Null_Template" %>Software Error Couldn't find template for this document<% end-if %> <% else %> Fill in the form fields and then <% end-if %> <% comment %> This can be used for a cancel button <% end-comment %>
<% comment %> This should be the select element when the Cache-Control cascades Help