%@ lib/stdlib.pl %>
Add an editor
<%* if (keys %{$error}) %>
Sorry there has been a problem:
<%* if ($error->{Null_Login}) %>
The Login field is not defined.
<%* end-if %> <%* if ($error->{Null_Password}) %>
The Password field is not defined.
<%* end-if %> <%* if ($error->{Null_Email}) %>
The Email field is not defined.
<%* end-if %> <%* if ($error->{Null_First_Name}) %>
The First Name field is not defined.
<%* end-if %> <%* if ($error->{Null_Family_Name}) %>
The Family Name field is not defined.
<%* end-if %> <%* if ($error->{Null_Disabled}) %>
The Disabled field is not defined.
<%* end-if %> <%* if ($error->{Login_Exists}) %>
This Login already exists. Please choose another one.
<%* end-if %>
<%* end-if %>
Add an Editor
Email Address:
First Name:
Family Name:
Allow login:
Base document(s):
(Use Ctrl to select multiple base documents)
<%* foreach (@{$document}) %>
<%= encode_html ($_->Full_Path) %>
<%* end-foreach %>