" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <% include file="explorer/http_headers.html" %> <% component class="link" set="Link_Loop" %> <% component class="text, html, image, file" set="Body_Loop" %> <% path set="Path" %> <% sibling set="Sibling" %> <% loop name="Path" %><% var name="Title" encode_html="1" %> : <% end-loop %> <% var name="Document:Title" encode_html="1" %> <% comment %> Print style sheet specified as alternative for previewing. The only know browser that supports this is (some version of) Mozilla / NN6.x <% end-comment %> <% comment %> Main style sheet uses @import so NN4 can't get it. IE3 ignores this style block but sees the next two <% end-comment %> .static/css/screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="Screen Style Sheet" /> <% comment %> Print and TV style sheets, NN4 won't get this since it can only cope with screen media style sheets .static/css/tv.css" type="text/css" media="tv" title="TV Style Sheet" /> .static/css/print.css" type="text/css" media="print" title="Print Style Sheet" /> <% end-comment %> <% if name="Admin_Mode" %> .static/css/admin.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <% end-if %> <% comment %> You can use the following syntax for browser detection. however it gets broken by proxies... <% browser_detect set="Broken" %> <% if name="Broken" %> <% if name="Broken:IE3" %> IE3 code here <% end-if %> <% if name="Broken:NN4" %> NN4 code here <% end-if %> <% if name="Broken:TV" %> WebTV code here <% end-if %> <% else %> Les broken browsers code here <% end-if %> <% end-comment %> <% if name="Document:Keywords" %> " /> <% end-if %> " /> <% comment %> HTML Dublin Core metadata <% include file="explorer/document/dc.html" %> <% end-comment %> <% comment %> We don't want any link rels in admin mode as they show up in Lynx and we don't want the document to be indexed either. <% end-comment %> <% if name="Admin_Mode" not="1" %> " /> <% if name="Document:Parent" %> " hreflang="<% var name="Document:Parent:Lang" %>" title="<% var name="Document:Parent:Title" encode_html="1" %>" /> " hreflang="<% var name="Document:Root:Lang" %>" title="<% var name="Document:Root:Title" encode_html="1" %>" /> <% loop name="Document:Parent:Children" %> <% if name="__is_first__" %> <% if name="Matches_Path_Info" %> <% else %> " hreflang="<% var name="Lang" %>" title="<% var name="Title" encode_html="1" %>" /> <% end-if %> <% end-if %> <% if name="__is_last__" %> <% if name="Matches_Path_Info" %> <% else %> " hreflang="<% var name="Lang" %>" title="<% var name="Title" encode_html="1" %>" /> <% end-if %> <% end-if %> <% end-loop %> <% end-if %> <% if name="Sibling:Previous" %> " hreflang="<% var name="Sibling:Previous:Lang" %>" title="<% var name="Sibling:Previous:Title" encode_html="1" %>" /> <% end-if %> <% if name="Sibling:Next" %> " hreflang="<% var name="Sibling:Next:Lang" %>" title="<% var name="Sibling:Next:Title" encode_html="1" %>" /> <% end-if %> sitemap.html" title="Sitemap" /> print.html" media="print" type="text/html" hreflang="<% var name="Document:Lang" %>" title="Print Version" /> <% end-if %> <% if name="Admin_Mode" %> <% end-if %> <% include file="explorer/document/admin.en.html" %>
search.html" method="get">

Content · " >Home · sitemap.html">Sitemap ·

<% if name="Document:Name" %>

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If this document had any Links they would be listed here.

<% end-if %> <% if name="Document:Only_Child" not="1" %>

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<% comment %> Use this for a created by line Created by "><% var name="Document:Editor_Created:First_Name" encode_html="1" %> <% var name="Document:Editor_Created:Family_Name" encode_html="1" %> on <% var name="Document:Date_Created" encode_html="1" %>
<% end-comment %> Last updated by "><% var name="Document:Editor_Last_Modified:First_Name" %> <% var name="Document:Editor_Last_Modified:Family_Name" encode_html="1" %> on <% var name="Document:Date_Last_Modified" encode_html="1" %> <% if name="Document:Publisher" %>
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