<% var name="Question" encode_html="1" %>

<% if name="is_stopped" %> <% if name="Results" %> <% loop name="Results" %> <% end-loop %>
"> <% var name="Question" encode_html="1" %>
Answer Votes Proportion
This poll has ended, it ran from <% var name="StartDate" encode_html="1" %> to <% var name="StopDate" encode_html="1" %> during this time <% var name="Count_Votes" %> vote(s) were cast.
""> <% var name="Answer" encode_html="1" %> vote(s) for "<% var name="Answer" encode_html="1" %>""> <% var name="Votes" %> % voted for "<% var name="Answer" encode_html="1" %>""> <% comment %> You can loop through the score <% loop name="Score_Array" %>.static/images/poll.gif" alt="|" /><% end-loop %> <% end-comment %> .static/images/poll.gif" width="<% var name="Score" %>" height="8" alt="Bar representing <% var name="Score" %>% " /> <% var name="Score" %>%
<% end-if %> <% else %> <% if name="is_started" %>
" />
"> <% var name="question" encode_html="1" %> <% if name="answer1" %> <% end-if %> <% if name="answer2" %> <% end-if %> <% if name="answer3" %> <% end-if %> <% if name="answer4" %> <% end-if %> <% if name="answer5" %> <% end-if %> <% if name="answer6" %> <% end-if %> <% if name="answer7" %> <% end-if %> <% if name="answer8" %> <% end-if %> <% if name="answer9" %> <% end-if %>
" />
" />
" />
" />
" />
" />
" />
" />
" />

This poll opened on <% var name="StartDate" encode_html="1" %> and will close on <% var name="StopDate" encode_html="1" %>. So far <% var name="Count_Votes" %> vote(s) have been cast.

" title="Detailed results of the open poll "<% var name="Question" encode_html="1" %>">Detailed results so far.

<% else %>

A poll will open here on <% var name="StartDate" encode_html="1" %> and close on i <% var name="StopDate" encode_html="1" %>.

<% end-if %> <% end-if %>