<% include file="explorer/http_headers.html" %> Sort the child documents of <% var name="Document:Title" encode_html="1" %> <% include file="explorer/admin_css.html" %>
Sort the child documents of "<% var name="Document:Title" encode_html="1" %>" as required and then ">return to <% var name="Document:Title" encode_html="1" %>.

Currently the child documents are sorted by <% if name="Document:Sort_By" eq="Title" %>Title, alphabetical order<% end-if %> <% if name="Document:Sort_By" eq="Date_Created" %>date of creation, newest first<% end-if %> <% if name="Document:Sort_By" eq="Date_Last_Modified" %>date of modification, newest first<% end-if %> <% if name="Document:Sort_By" eq="Sibling_Position" %>manually<% end-if %>.

How would you like to sort the sub-documents?