<% http %> Status: 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Language: en <% end-http %> <% path set="Path" %> <% loop name="Path" %><% var name="Title" encode_html="1" %> : <% end-loop %> Whois .static/css/screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="Screen Style Sheet" /> " xml:lang="<% var name="Document:Lang" %>" /> " title="<% var name="Document:Root:Title" encode_html="1" %>" xml:lang="<% var name="Document:Root:Lang" %>" />

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<% loop name="Path" %> " title="<% var name="Description" encode_html="1" %>"><% var name="Title" encode_html="1" %> > <% end-loop %> Whois


Domain name availibility look up
[Example: mkdoc, not mkdoc.com]
<% if name="Results" %>

Whois Results

Your WHOIS search produced the following results:

<% loop name="Results" %> <% if name="available" %>

Available: <% var name="domain" encode_html="1" %>

<% else %>

Taken: <% var name="domain" encode_html="1" %>

See if there is a web server running on the /">www.<% var name="domain" encode_html="1" %> host name.

<% end-if %> <% if name="info" %>
<% var name="info" encode_html="1" %>
<% end-if %> <% end-loop %> <% end-if %>

Return to <% var name="Document:Title" encode_html="1" %>