package Digest::Perl::MD5; use strict; use integer; use Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORTER @EXPORT_OK); @EXPORT_OK = qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64); @ISA = 'Exporter'; $VERSION = '1.5'; # I-Vektor sub A() { 0x67_45_23_01 } sub B() { 0xef_cd_ab_89 } sub C() { 0x98_ba_dc_fe } sub D() { 0x10_32_54_76 } # for internal use sub MAX() { 0xFFFFFFFF } # padd a message to a multiple of 64 sub padding($) { my $l = length (my $msg = shift() . chr(128)); $msg .= "\0" x (($l%64<=56?56:120)-$l%64); $l = ($l-1)*8; $msg .= pack 'VV', $l & MAX , ($l >> 16 >> 16); } sub rotate_left($$) { #$_[0] << $_[1] | $_[0] >> (32 - $_[1]); #my $right = $_[0] >> (32 - $_[1]); #my $rmask = (1 << $_[1]) - 1; ($_[0] << $_[1]) | (( $_[0] >> (32 - $_[1]) ) & ((1 << $_[1]) - 1)); #$_[0] << $_[1] | (($_[0]>> (32 - $_[1])) & (1 << (32 - $_[1])) - 1); } sub gen_code { # Discard upper 32 bits on 64 bit archs. my $MSK = ((1 << 16) << 16) ? ' & ' . MAX : ''; # FF => "X0=rotate_left(((X1&X2)|(~X1&X3))+X0+X4+X6$MSK,X5)+X1$MSK;", # GG => "X0=rotate_left(((X1&X3)|(X2&(~X3)))+X0+X4+X6$MSK,X5)+X1$MSK;", my %f = ( FF => "X0=rotate_left((X3^(X1&(X2^X3)))+X0+X4+X6$MSK,X5)+X1$MSK;", GG => "X0=rotate_left((X2^(X3&(X1^X2)))+X0+X4+X6$MSK,X5)+X1$MSK;", HH => "X0=rotate_left((X1^X2^X3)+X0+X4+X6$MSK,X5)+X1$MSK;", II => "X0=rotate_left((X2^(X1|(~X3)))+X0+X4+X6$MSK,X5)+X1$MSK;", ); #unless ( (1 << 16) << 16) { %f = %{$CODES{'32bit'}} } #else { %f = %{$CODES{'64bit'}} } my %s = ( # shift lengths S11 => 7, S12 => 12, S13 => 17, S14 => 22, S21 => 5, S22 => 9, S23 => 14, S24 => 20, S31 => 4, S32 => 11, S33 => 16, S34 => 23, S41 => 6, S42 => 10, S43 => 15, S44 => 21 ); my $insert = ""; while() { chomp; next unless /^[FGHI]/; my ($func,@x) = split /,/; my $c = $f{$func}; $c =~ s/X(\d)/$x[$1]/g; $c =~ s/(S\d{2})/$s{$1}/; $c =~ s/^(.*)=rotate_left\((.*),(.*)\)\+(.*)$//; #my $rotate = "(($2 << $3) || (($2 >> (32 - $3)) & (1 << $2) - 1)))"; $c = "\$r = $2; $1 = ((\$r << $3) | ((\$r >> (32 - $3)) & ((1 << $3) - 1))) + $4"; $insert .= "\t$c\n"; } my $dump = ' sub round { my ($a,$b,$c,$d) = @_[0 .. 3]; my $r; ' . $insert . ' $_[0]+$a' . $MSK . ', $_[1]+$b ' . $MSK . ', $_[2]+$c' . $MSK . ', $_[3]+$d' . $MSK . '; }'; eval $dump; #print "$dump\n"; #exit 0; } gen_code(); # object part of this module sub new { my $class = shift; bless {}, ref($class) || $class; } sub reset { my $self = shift; delete $self->{data}; $self } sub add(@) { my $self = shift; $self->{data} .= join'', @_; $self } sub addfile { my ($self,$fh) = @_; if (!ref($fh) && ref(\$fh) ne "GLOB") { require Symbol; $fh = Symbol::qualify($fh, scalar caller); } $self->{data} .= do{local$/;<$fh>}; $self } sub digest { md5(shift->{data}) } sub hexdigest { md5_hex(shift->{data}) } sub b64digest { md5_base64(shift->{data}) } sub md5(@) { my $message = padding(join'',@_); my ($a,$b,$c,$d) = (A,B,C,D); my $i; for $i (0 .. (length $message)/64-1) { my @X = unpack 'V16', substr $message,$i*64,64; ($a,$b,$c,$d) = round($a,$b,$c,$d,@X); } pack 'V4',$a,$b,$c,$d; } sub md5_hex(@) { unpack 'H*', &md5; } sub md5_base64(@) { encode_base64(&md5); } sub encode_base64 ($) { my $res; while ($_[0] =~ /(.{1,45})/gs) { $res .= substr pack('u', $1), 1; chop $res; } $res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|;#` chop $res;chop $res; $res; } package main; use IO::Socket; use vars qw /$HTTP_ADDRESS $TAG/; use strict; $HTTP_ADDRESS = ''; $TAG = 'mkdoc-1-2'; sub main { print "===============================================================\n"; print "Installation / Upgrade script\n"; print "===============================================================\n"; print "\n"; my $local_files = local_files(); my $remote_files = remote_files(); # removes files which don't need to be updated reduce_remote_files ($remote_files, $local_files); # installs (or re-install) the files that needs to install_remote_files ($remote_files); # setup config files setup_config_files(); print "Done!\n\n"; print "If this is your first install, at this point you probably want \n"; print "to check the httpd template conf/httpd.conf.tmpl before you \n"; print "install any MKDoc site.\n\n"; } sub setup_config_files { unless (-e 'conf/sites.conf') { chmod 0755, 'cgi/mkdoc.cgi', 'cgi/admin.cgi', 'cgi/su/su.cgi'; mkdir 'conf', 0755; open FP, '>conf/sites.conf' or die "Cannot write-open conf/sites.conf"; print FP '$VAR1 = {}'; close FP; open FP, '>conf/httpd.conf' or die "Cannot write-open conf/sites.conf"; print FP ''; close FP; } } sub local_files { print "Computing local files checksum...\n"; return { map { $_ => file_checksum ("./$_") } list_files ('.') }; } sub remote_files { print "Retrieving remote files checksum...\n"; my $remote = {}; foreach my $line (split /(\n|\r)+/, get ("$HTTP_ADDRESS/checksums?dir=$TAG")) { chomp ($line); next unless ($line); my ($file, $checksum) = $line =~ /(.*)\s(.*)/; $remote->{$file} = $checksum; } return $remote; } sub reduce_remote_files { my $remote_files = shift; my $local_files = shift; foreach my $remote_file (keys %{$remote_files}) { if (defined $local_files->{$remote_file} and $local_files->{$remote_file} eq $remote_files->{$remote_file}) { delete $remote_files->{$remote_file}; } } } sub install_remote_files { my $remote_files = shift; print scalar (keys %{$remote_files}) . " files to download\n\n"; foreach my $remote_file (sort keys %{$remote_files}) { print "Installing $remote_file\n"; my $file_data = get ("$HTTP_ADDRESS/$TAG/$remote_file"); install_remote_file ($remote_file, $file_data); } } sub install_remote_file { my $file = shift; my $data = shift; # creates the directory for $file my @current_path = (); my @todo_path = split /\//, $file; # remove filename pop (@todo_path); # make necessary directories while (@todo_path) { push @current_path, shift (@todo_path); my $dir_to_make = join '/', @current_path; unless (-e $dir_to_make) { mkdir $dir_to_make, 0777 or die "Error: cannot create $dir_to_make"; } } # then write file open FP, ">$file" or die "Error: cannot create $file"; print FP $data; close FP; } sub list_files { my $base_dir = shift; my $rel_dir = shift || ''; $rel_dir =~ s/^\///; my $current_dir = "$base_dir/$rel_dir"; my @dir_to_process = (); my @files_to_process = (); opendir DD, "$current_dir" or die "Cannot read-open $current_dir"; foreach my $thing (readdir (DD)) { $thing eq '.' and next; $thing eq '..' and next; if ($rel_dir ne '') { if (-d $current_dir . '/' . $thing) { push @dir_to_process, $rel_dir . '/' . $thing } else { push @files_to_process, $rel_dir . '/' . $thing } } else { if (-d $current_dir . '/' . $thing) { push @dir_to_process, $thing } else { push @files_to_process, $thing } } } closedir DD; return (@files_to_process, map { list_files ($base_dir, $_) } @dir_to_process); } sub file_checksum { my $file = shift; open FP, "<$file" or return; my $data = join '', ; close FP; return Digest::Perl::MD5::md5_hex ($data); } sub get { my $location = shift; my ($host, $path) = $location =~ /http:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*)/; $path = '/' . $path; my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => 80, Proto => 'tcp' ) or die "Can't get $location !"; $sock->autoflush(1); print $sock "GET $path HTTP/1.0\n"; print $sock "Host: $host\n\n"; my $in_head = 1; my @data = (); while (<$sock>) { my $line = $_; if ($in_head) { chomp ($line); if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { $in_head = 0; } } else { push @data, $_; } } $sock->close; return join '', @data; } main(); package Digest::Perl::MD5; use strict; __DATA__ FF,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[4],7,0xd76aa478,/* 1 */ FF,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[5],12,0xe8c7b756,/* 2 */ FF,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[6],17,0x242070db,/* 3 */ FF,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[7],22,0xc1bdceee,/* 4 */ FF,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[8],7,0xf57c0faf,/* 5 */ FF,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[9],12,0x4787c62a,/* 6 */ FF,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[10],17,0xa8304613,/* 7 */ FF,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[11],22,0xfd469501,/* 8 */ FF,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[12],7,0x698098d8,/* 9 */ FF,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[13],12,0x8b44f7af,/* 10 */ FF,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[14],17,0xffff5bb1,/* 11 */ FF,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[15],22,0x895cd7be,/* 12 */ FF,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[16],7,0x6b901122,/* 13 */ FF,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[17],12,0xfd987193,/* 14 */ FF,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[18],17,0xa679438e,/* 15 */ FF,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[19],22,0x49b40821,/* 16 */ GG,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[5],5,0xf61e2562,/* 17 */ GG,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[10],9,0xc040b340,/* 18 */ GG,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[15],14,0x265e5a51,/* 19 */ GG,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[4],20,0xe9b6c7aa,/* 20 */ GG,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[9],5,0xd62f105d,/* 21 */ GG,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[14],9,0x2441453,/* 22 */ GG,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[19],14,0xd8a1e681,/* 23 */ GG,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[8],20,0xe7d3fbc8,/* 24 */ GG,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[13],5,0x21e1cde6,/* 25 */ GG,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[18],9,0xc33707d6,/* 26 */ GG,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[7],14,0xf4d50d87,/* 27 */ GG,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[12],20,0x455a14ed,/* 28 */ GG,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[17],5,0xa9e3e905,/* 29 */ GG,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[6],9,0xfcefa3f8,/* 30 */ GG,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[11],14,0x676f02d9,/* 31 */ GG,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[16],20,0x8d2a4c8a,/* 32 */ HH,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[9],4,0xfffa3942,/* 33 */ HH,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[12],11,0x8771f681,/* 34 */ HH,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[15],16,0x6d9d6122,/* 35 */ HH,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[18],23,0xfde5380c,/* 36 */ HH,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[5],4,0xa4beea44,/* 37 */ HH,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[8],11,0x4bdecfa9,/* 38 */ HH,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[11],16,0xf6bb4b60,/* 39 */ HH,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[14],23,0xbebfbc70,/* 40 */ HH,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[17],4,0x289b7ec6,/* 41 */ HH,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[4],11,0xeaa127fa,/* 42 */ HH,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[7],16,0xd4ef3085,/* 43 */ HH,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[10],23,0x4881d05,/* 44 */ HH,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[13],4,0xd9d4d039,/* 45 */ HH,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[16],11,0xe6db99e5,/* 46 */ HH,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[19],16,0x1fa27cf8,/* 47 */ HH,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[6],23,0xc4ac5665,/* 48 */ II,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[4],6,0xf4292244,/* 49 */ II,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[11],10,0x432aff97,/* 50 */ II,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[18],15,0xab9423a7,/* 51 */ II,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[9],21,0xfc93a039,/* 52 */ II,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[16],6,0x655b59c3,/* 53 */ II,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[7],10,0x8f0ccc92,/* 54 */ II,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[14],15,0xffeff47d,/* 55 */ II,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[5],21,0x85845dd1,/* 56 */ II,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[12],6,0x6fa87e4f,/* 57 */ II,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[19],10,0xfe2ce6e0,/* 58 */ II,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[10],15,0xa3014314,/* 59 */ II,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[17],21,0x4e0811a1,/* 60 */ II,$a,$b,$c,$d,$_[8],6,0xf7537e82,/* 61 */ II,$d,$a,$b,$c,$_[15],10,0xbd3af235,/* 62 */ II,$c,$d,$a,$b,$_[6],15,0x2ad7d2bb,/* 63 */ II,$b,$c,$d,$a,$_[13],21,0xeb86d391,/* 64 */